Friday, February 18, 2011

Night Party > Pub,but for me Basketball ;)

Night life,Night party,
what's your first word come out in your mind??..If pub or disco that's a normal answer.
For me,that's my sporting time.=)
it is weird actually,but that;s excited,no sun on the top of my head,and somemore can enjoy free air-con too,since there's a cold place,i mean in the night.
Do you ever try have basketball match in the minight??
I do...but once a week.I had talk about 'quit for night life' before,but not for basketball ya.:)
In the word of blog,you and me have a same habit,a little,a small habit that we same...
Yeah,we like taking photo rite♥♥
that's why you are here~=)....tell you what,actually i-phone 4 is a good phone,i'm not promoting,but really is,on the top of this,picture,it's capture by i-phone4.
It's wide screen make the photo more nicer.=)
For the tittle of blogger,i capture this after we finish the match,almost 1a.m at that time,
so that's why i'm saying that we are the first guess using the court...
Anyway,hope you guys like it ya♥♥
the place that you think once you saw the picture,.....Yup,you are rite WAWASAN 4,
you know,
that;s the good place,
and for the shoes,you won't want be know,,XP
alright guys,see you there if you a 'basketball man'♥♥♥

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